
Setting up your WordPress blog in 5 easy steps: a 5-minute video tutorial.

Open Source (free) desktop publishing software: Scribus


The Big Comfy Bookshop, in FarGo Village (Coventry)

Kenilworth Books Ltd

Treehouse Bookshop (also in Kenilworth, a bit more indie)

Warwick Books


Religious Revolutions in Britain

Modernist Journals Project

What is the difference between “font” and “typeface”?

A 20-Minute Intro to Typography

Some book making advice from Coracle (Erica van Horn).

The Institute for the Future of the Book: blog (if:book), now seemingly defunct, but interesting for reflections on the book/ literacy in a digital age.


A brief history of the chapbook.

How to make a chapbook, an illustrated, step-by-step guide.

The pamphlet stitch.

Skinner’s Pamphlet Making Steps (print instructions, for Word).

Skinner’s Instructional videos on pamphlet making (printer spread imposition):

Imposing Printer Spreads: An Overview (13 min)
A Word on Word (4 min)
Bookfold Imposition (25 min)
Imposing Printer Spreads Manually (19 min)
Scribus Pamphlet Design

“Journeys through Print” app–a tour of London’s historic printing district, guided by the voices of printers from the past: for Android; for iPhone iOS.

Begin your journey outside St Paul’s station and follow the trail marked on the map. As you come to each stop, tap the screen to hear a printer associated with that location tell their story. Discover how Wynkyn de Worde established his bookshop in St Paul’s churchyard, how Elizabeth Mallet published Britain’s first daily newspaper in 1702, and how Beatrice Warde took the Monotype Corporation by storm during the 1920s.

Combining history, drama and mobile technology, Journeys Through Print invites you to step back in time as you explore these London streets. The stories you’ll hear blend the printers’ own words with modern reimaginings of these figures, together revealing how they made London into one of the world’s great centres of print.

56a Infoshop: zine collection

Sprout Distro: anarchist zines

Cloc Printers

Obama/ Jordan Peele

World’s 50 Most Powerful Blogs

Daily Overview
